Dear you (yes you),
Let's see...updates. Tuesday was the 21st birthday of my universidad and there was a party in the plaza where they played a corny Feliz Cumplianos song and we ate tres leches postre. I actually drew in art , but sadly only lines; I guess we are really taking "BASIC drawing". :) But today's class was very fun. we evaluated the lines and I could actually see the creativity in it. We progressed to curvy lines today and I felt so much better. It was too much pressure to draw straight lines.
Today I got my ecuadorian national ID card- CENSO!
Latest update on my social life is that I'm going out to a discotec with my host sister, and host brother and their significant others. General info- I'm never speaking to Antonio again, despite his prevalent text messages- 1) language barrier 2) younger 3) can't understand me and my funniness.
Let's see...updates. Tuesday was the 21st birthday of my universidad and there was a party in the plaza where they played a corny Feliz Cumplianos song and we ate tres leches postre. I actually drew in art , but sadly only lines; I guess we are really taking "BASIC drawing". :) But today's class was very fun. we evaluated the lines and I could actually see the creativity in it. We progressed to curvy lines today and I felt so much better. It was too much pressure to draw straight lines.
Today I got my ecuadorian national ID card- CENSO!
Latest update on my social life is that I'm going out to a discotec with my host sister, and host brother and their significant others. General info- I'm never speaking to Antonio again, despite his prevalent text messages- 1) language barrier 2) younger 3) can't understand me and my funniness.
Anyways I wanted to tell you about yesterday. My friend, Kailey, and I were walking around the historical district in the Plaza Grande yesterday, when all of a sudden we noticed that there were a lot more policia than normal around. We started thinking, umm maybe we should get out of this area, when all of a sudden there was a mass of people marching toward us chanting and holding signs that were anti-Correa. It turned out to be a group that wants educational reform, along with workers and other people that just don't like the government. We stayed and watched even though we aren't supposed to, but got going when we heard shouts of Hijo de puta. 
Kailey and I bought an Ecuador jersey! woot. I'm pumped for futbol games.
So actually I think that my occurance on Saturday night just turned out to be a "study abroad experience" and nothing more. Everything here is so great, and I never feel stressed. It's such a great environment! My host family is really nice and we get along so well. Rosa, my mom, is really open and nice and always loves it when I get seconds of her food or say, "Que rico!". My sister Paola is 20 years old and she is pre-med so she studies a lot, but we study together in the dining room and watch movies together. On friday we are going to a discotec together with her novio, and also my brother Juan and his novia Gaby. Juan is really funny. He sometimes says stuff in funny voices and also says, "what the fuck". We (my siblings and I) have also created our own spanish word... creepioso! It is used suprisingly often, since I seem to run into many "creepiosos".
The great thing is that they like to run! I almost did this 10k with Gaby last weekend, but I figured I just wasn't in good enough shape to run that long at this altitude of 9,000 ft above sea level. This weekend I'm going to climb Fuya Fuya which I think is about 12,000 ft which is in Otavalo, the town where the weave lots of cool stuff. I'm going to buy tons of hats, comfy pants, and bracelets!
Chau y Besitos,
Kailey and I bought an Ecuador jersey! woot. I'm pumped for futbol games.
So actually I think that my occurance on Saturday night just turned out to be a "study abroad experience" and nothing more. Everything here is so great, and I never feel stressed. It's such a great environment! My host family is really nice and we get along so well. Rosa, my mom, is really open and nice and always loves it when I get seconds of her food or say, "Que rico!". My sister Paola is 20 years old and she is pre-med so she studies a lot, but we study together in the dining room and watch movies together. On friday we are going to a discotec together with her novio, and also my brother Juan and his novia Gaby. Juan is really funny. He sometimes says stuff in funny voices and also says, "what the fuck". We (my siblings and I) have also created our own spanish word... creepioso! It is used suprisingly often, since I seem to run into many "creepiosos".
The great thing is that they like to run! I almost did this 10k with Gaby last weekend, but I figured I just wasn't in good enough shape to run that long at this altitude of 9,000 ft above sea level. This weekend I'm going to climb Fuya Fuya which I think is about 12,000 ft which is in Otavalo, the town where the weave lots of cool stuff. I'm going to buy tons of hats, comfy pants, and bracelets!
Chau y Besitos,