Mi Familia

Mi Familia
Rosa, Paola, y Yo

Friday, August 21, 2009

I have so much to say.
A few days ago I had my first real study abroad adventure with Beth. Our orientation on Tuesday ran way over in time and por eso, our plans were slightly thrown off. Beth and I had planned to go to the internet cafe and have a drink and connect electronically to our home! Although this was the first time I had ridden the bus, Beth aka"Butt" in Latin America, assured me that she knew the bus system and I knew the way home from her house. At la estacion La "Y" (this is where we screwed up) we took the bus that "sounded familiar" to Beth: Laureles. Unfortunately the reason that this sounded familiar was because it took us directly back to where we came from. Despite this, it was dark and as we looked out the window of the bus, Beth says, "oh, this looks familiar". Well, obviously. This is our stop that goes to Cumbaya! We had to call mi madre, who saved us and funcioned as a chaffuer to drop off 2 of us Kzoo-ers. I felt really bad though because I interrupted Rosa's cita with Carlos!
Then, yesterday also presented another grand adventure. Beth and I decided to go for a run, which is actually not done here to often except by ecuadorians on the weekend. Additionally, wearing shorts also earns you a guaranteed ticket to get cat called....A lot more than normal.
I experience daily what it is like to be a minority. People constantly stare at me everywhere I go. There are hardly any people with light skin and blue eyes, making me (and many of my friends) a novelty here. Needless to say, the run brought even more attention to us and included a man peeing in the street, barking and jumping guard dogs that absolutely scared the crap out of us, crazy traffic ---
Pause here. Boulderites, pay attention. In quito, the pedestrian NEVER has the right of way. Lauren- you would die here. I almost got hit by a car and now Beth and my phrase when at a street crossing is, "Mira, y entonces".
Last night after our running adventure, we went out to El foche, which is in the center of the Mariscal. This is where all of the bars and discotecs are. It was SOOO much fun! I had never been to a club so this was such an exciting adventure. A large group of us went to a Karaoke Bar and got pitchers of Sex on the beach. Mira! I only had one glass and that was enough for me for the entire night plus some sips of Beth's gin and tonic. The drinks here are tan FUERTE! the positive thing there is that it wont really cut into my budget much ;).
After the Karaoke bar, we went to a discotec and danced for hours. I danced mostly with K-zooers but then also danced with an ecuadorian, Cesno? I actually couldn't really hear his name, but this is my educated guess. The diferent style of dance is much more relaxed and effortless than my normal crazy american style.
The entire night was very fun , but I paid the consequence for staying out til 2am in my 9am class. Oh well, mi profe, Jorge, purposely didn't give us homework last night so that we could "experience" Ecuador. jajaja
Well I miss you,
Hasta Pasta

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